Révision datée du 11 août 2022 à 11:36 par Admin (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « ==Généralités== ===Limites de cette section=== Cette section n’a pas la prétention de traiter tous les cas possibles d'utilisation de l'API de mise à jour du réf... »)
Limites de cette section
Cette section n’a pas la prétention de traiter tous les cas possibles d'utilisation de l'API de mise à jour du référentiel.
Vous devez être à l'aise avec le concept des API et la gestion de token, si ce n'est pas le cas, faites appel au support.
Attention, vous allez mettre à jour la table de référentiel, insert et/ou update, vous devez savoir ce que vous faites !
Paramétrage préalable
Afin de pouvoir utiliser l'API "update", vous devez au préalable avoir paramétré un login avec le type d'authentification "internal_api_update".
Exemples d'utilisation
Vous devez adapter les exemples suivants avec vos propres données (URL, user, password, ...)
Ceci représente une base pour du Python, PHP et shell.
Vous pouvez bien évidemment utiliser le langage de votre choix.
import requests import json v_bearer_token = "" """ f_api_request does API request :param v_method : request method :param v_url : website url :param t_headers : JSON object headers :param t_data : JSON object data :return : API request return """ def f_api_request(v_method, v_url, t_headers={}, t_data={}): v_response = requests.request(v_method, v_url, headers=t_headers, data=t_data) # API request return v_response """ f_get_bearer_token recovers bearer token :param v_username : account username :param v_password : account password :return : bearer token """ def f_get_bearer_token(v_username, v_password): v_method = "POST" v_url = "http://my_sqwareweb_url/lib/apiUpdate_login.php" t_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} t_data = json.dumps({"username":v_username,"password":v_password}) # Crendentials for connection v_response = f_api_request(v_method, v_url, t_headers=t_headers, t_data=t_data) # API request v_json_response = json.loads(v_response.text) if "error_message" not in v_json_response: global v_bearer_token v_bearer_token = v_json_response['results'][0]['token'] # Get token response print("Bearer token : "+v_bearer_token) return 1 else: v_error_message = v_json_response['error_message'] print("Error message ["+v_error_message+"]") return 0 """ f_get_instance recovers instance object :param v_dbalias : dbalias name :return : instance object """ def f_get_instance(v_dbalias): v_method = "GET" v_url = "http://my_sqwareweb_url/lib/apiUpdate.php?dbalias="+v_dbalias t_headers = {'Authorization':'Bearer '+v_bearer_token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'} v_response = f_api_request(v_method, v_url, t_headers=t_headers) # API request v_json_response = json.loads(v_response.text) if "error_message" not in v_json_response: v_instance = v_json_response['results'][0] # Get instance print(v_instance) return 1 else: v_error_message = v_json_response['error_message'] print("Error message ["+v_error_message+"]") return 0 """ f_get_instances recovers instances objects :return : instances objects """ def f_get_instances(): v_method = "GET" v_url = "http://my_sqwareweb_url/lib/apiUpdate.php" t_headers = {'Authorization':'Bearer '+v_bearer_token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'} v_response = f_api_request(v_method, v_url, t_headers=t_headers) # API request v_json_response = json.loads(v_response.text) if "error_message" not in v_json_response: v_instances = v_json_response['results'] # Get instances print(v_instances) return 1 else: v_error_message = v_json_response['error_message'] print("Error message ["+v_error_message+"]") return 0 """ f_post_instance create new instance object :param t_data : JSON object data :return : request response """ def f_post_instance(t_data): v_method = "POST" v_url = "http://my_sqwareweb_url/lib/apiUpdate.php" t_headers = {'Authorization':'Bearer '+v_bearer_token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'} t_data = json.dumps(t_data) v_response = f_api_request(v_method, v_url, t_headers=t_headers, t_data=t_data) # API request v_json_response = json.loads(v_response.text) if "error_message" not in v_json_response: print("Insert with success !") return 1 else: v_error_message = v_json_response['error_message'] print("Error message ["+v_error_message+"]") return 0 """ f_put_instance update instance object :param v_dbalias : dbalias name :param t_data : JSON object data :return : request response """ def f_put_instance(v_dbalias, t_data): v_method = "PUT" v_url = "http://my_sqwareweb_url/lib/apiUpdate.php?dbalias="+v_dbalias t_headers = {'Authorization':'Bearer '+v_bearer_token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'} t_data = json.dumps(t_data) v_response = f_api_request(v_method, v_url, t_headers=t_headers, t_data=t_data) # API request v_json_response = json.loads(v_response.text) if "error_message" not in v_json_response: print("Update with success !") return 1 else: v_error_message = v_json_response['error_message'] print("Error message ["+v_error_message+"]") return 0 def main(): # Variables v_username = "toto" v_password = "toto" v_dbalias = "toto" # Get bearer token f_get_bearer_token(v_username, v_password) # Post new instance t_data = { "dbalias" :v_dbalias, "rdbmsname" :"cassandra", "virt_host_name":"AA-TEST-API", "host_name" :"NPW", "username" :"system", "port" :"1430", "comments" :"desc IPS_A", "contact" :"OAY .L", "status" :"ON", "client" :"CUST2", "env" :"PRD3", "globalhost" :"A", "custom1" :"B", "custom2" :"C", "dbaname" :v_username, "comments_upd" :"insert new instance by API" } f_post_instance(t_data) # Get new instance f_get_instance(v_dbalias) # Put new instance t_data = { "rdbmsname" :"mysql", "virt_host_name":"AA-TEST-API", "host_name" :"NPW", "username" :"system", "port" :"1430", "comments" :"desc IPS_A", "contact" :"OAY .L", "status" :"OFF", "client" :"CUST2", "env" :"PRD3", "globalhost" :"A", "custom1" :"B", "custom2" :"C", "comments_upd" : "update instance status by API" } f_put_instance(v_dbalias, t_data) # Get all instances f_get_instances() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<?php $v_bearer_token = ""; /** * f_api_request does API request * * @param String $v_method : request method * @param String $v_url : website url * @param Array $t_headers : JSON object headers * @param Array $t_data : JSON object data * @return $v_response : API request return */ function f_api_request($v_method, $v_url, $t_headers=[], $t_data='{}'){ $v_curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($v_curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => $v_url, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => , CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => $v_method, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $t_data, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => $t_headers, )); $v_response = curl_exec($v_curl); return $v_response; } /** * f_get_bearer_token recovers bearer token * * @param String $v_username : account username * @param String $v_password : account password * @return $v_bearer_token : bearer token */ function f_get_bearer_token($v_username, $v_password){ $v_method = "POST"; $v_url = "http://my_sqwareweb_url/lib/apiUpdate_login.php"; $t_headers = array('Content-Type: application/json'); $t_data = json_encode(array("username" => $v_username, "password" => $v_password), JSON_FORCE_OBJECT); // Crendentials for connection $v_response = f_api_request($v_method, $v_url, $t_headers=$t_headers, $t_data=$t_data); // API request $v_json_response = json_decode($v_response, true); if(!array_key_exists("error_message", $v_json_response)){ global $v_bearer_token; $v_bearer_token = $v_json_response['results'][0]['token']; // Get token response echo("Bearer token : $v_bearer_token"); return 0; } else{ $v_error_message = $v_json_response['error_message']; echo("Error message [$v_error_message]"); return 1; } } /** * f_get_instance recovers instance object * * @param String $v_dbalias : dbalias name * @return $v_instance : instance object */ function f_get_instance($v_dbalias){ global $v_bearer_token; $v_method = "GET"; $v_url = "http://my_sqwareweb_url/lib/apiUpdate.php?dbalias=".$v_dbalias; $t_headers = array('Authorization: Bearer '.$v_bearer_token., 'Content-Type: application/json'); $v_response = f_api_request($v_method, $v_url, $t_headers=$t_headers); // API request $v_json_response = json_decode($v_response, true); if(!array_key_exists("error_message", $v_json_response)){ $v_instance = $v_json_response['results'][0]; // Get instance var_dump($v_instance); return 0; } else{ $v_error_message = $v_json_response['error_message']; echo("Error message [$v_error_message]"); return 1; } } /** * f_get_instances recovers instances objects * * @return $v_instances : instances objects */ function f_get_instances(){ global $v_bearer_token; $v_method = "GET"; $v_url = "http://my_sqwareweb_url/lib/apiUpdate.php"; $t_headers = array('Authorization: Bearer '.$v_bearer_token., 'Content-Type: application/json'); $v_response = f_api_request($v_method, $v_url, $t_headers=$t_headers); # API request $v_json_response = json_decode($v_response, true); if(!array_key_exists("error_message", $v_json_response)){ $v_instance = $v_json_response['results']; // Get instances var_dump($v_instance); return 0; } else{ $v_error_message = $v_json_response['error_message']; echo("Error message [$v_error_message]"); return 1; } } /** * f_post_instance create new instance object * * @param Array $t_data : JSON object data * @return Array mixed[] : request response */ function f_post_instance($t_data){ global $v_bearer_token; $v_method = "POST"; $v_url = "http://my_sqwareweb_url/lib/apiUpdate.php"; $t_headers = array('Authorization: Bearer '.$v_bearer_token., 'Content-Type: application/json'); $t_data = json_encode($t_data, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT); $v_response = f_api_request($v_method, $v_url, $t_headers=$t_headers, $t_data=$t_data); // API request $v_json_response = json_decode($v_response, true); if(!array_key_exists("error_message", $v_json_response)){ echo("Insert with success !"); return 0; } else{ $v_error_message = $v_json_response['error_message']; echo("Error message [$v_error_message]"); return 1; } } /** * f_put_instance update instance object * * @param String $v_dbalias : dbalias name * @param Array $t_data : JSON object data * @return Array mixed[] : request response */ function f_put_instance($v_dbalias, $t_data){ global $v_bearer_token; $v_method = "PUT"; $v_url = "http://my_sqwareweb_url/lib/apiUpdate.php?dbalias=".$v_dbalias; $t_headers = array('Authorization: Bearer '.$v_bearer_token., 'Content-Type: application/json'); $t_data = json_encode($t_data, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT); $v_response = f_api_request($v_method, $v_url, $t_headers=$t_headers, $t_data=$t_data); // API request $v_json_response = json_decode($v_response, true); if(!array_key_exists("error_message", $v_json_response)){ echo("Update with success !"); return 0; } else{ $v_error_message = $v_json_response['error_message']; echo("Error message [$v_error_message]"); return 1; } } function main(){ // Variables $v_username = "toto"; $v_password = "toto"; $v_dbalias = "toto"; // Get bearer token f_get_bearer_token($v_username, $v_password); // Post new instance $t_data = array( "dbalias" => $v_dbalias, "rdbmsname" => "cassandra", "virt_host_name" => "AA-TEST-API", "host_name" => "NPW", "username" => "system", "port" => "1430", "comments" => "desc IPS_A", "contact" => "OAY .L", "status" => "ON", "client" => "CUST2", "env" => "PRD3", "globalhost" => "A", "custom1" => "B", "custom2" => "C", "dbaname" => $v_username, "comments_upd" => "insert new instance by API" ); f_post_instance($t_data); // Get new instance f_get_instance($v_dbalias); // Put new instance $t_data = array( "dbalias" => $v_dbalias, "rdbmsname" => "mysql", "virt_host_name" => "AA-TEST-API", "host_name" => "NPW", "username" => "system", "port" => "1430", "comments" => "desc IPS_A", "contact" => "OAY .L", "status" => "OFF", "client" => "CUST2", "env" => "PRD3", "globalhost" => "A", "custom1" => "B", "custom2" => "C", "comments_upd" => "update instance status by API" ); f_put_instance($v_dbalias, $t_data); // Get all instances f_get_instances(); } main(); ?>
#!/bin/sh v_bearer_token="" v_tempfile=api_dbSQWare.tmp <<COMMENTS f_get_bearer_token recovers bearer token :param v_username : account username :param v_password : account password :param v_tempfile : temporary file :return : bearer token COMMENTS f_get_bearer_token(){ v_username="$1" v_password="$2" v_tempfile="$3" curl --location --request POST "http://my_sqwareweb_url/lib/apiUpdate_login.php" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"username":"'$v_username'","password":"'$v_password'"}' > $v_tempfile 2>$v_tempfile.err if [ $(grep -c '"error_message"' $v_tempfile) -eq 0 ] then # Get bearer token v_bearer_token=`cat $v_tempfile|grep '\"token\":\"' | cut -d'"' -f4` echo "Bearer token : $v_bearer_token" return 0 else v_error_message=`cat $v_tempfile|grep '\"error_message\": \"' | cut -d'"' -f4` echo "Error message [$v_error_message]" return 1 fi } <<COMMENTS f_get_instance recovers instance object :param v_dbalias : dbalias name :return : instance object COMMENTS f_get_instance(){ v_dbalias="$1" curl --location --request GET "http://my_sqwareweb_url/lib/apiUpdate.php?dbalias=$v_dbalias" -H "Authorization: Bearer $v_bearer_token" -H "Content-Type:application/json" > $v_tempfile 2>$v_tempfile.err if [ $(grep -c '"error_message"' $v_tempfile) -eq 0 ] then # Get instance v_instance=`cat $v_tempfile|grep -A 1 '\"results\":'` echo "Instance : $v_instance" return 0 else v_error_message=`cat $v_tempfile|grep '\"error_message\": \"' | cut -d'"' -f4` echo "Error message [$v_error_message]" return 1 fi } <<COMMENTS f_get_instances recovers instances objects :return : instances objects COMMENTS f_get_instances(){ curl --location --request GET "http://my_sqwareweb_url/lib/apiUpdate.php" -H "Authorization: Bearer $v_bearer_token" -H "Content-Type:application/json" > $v_tempfile 2>$v_tempfile.err if [ $(grep -c '"error_message"' $v_tempfile) -eq 0 ] then # Get instances v_instances=`cat $v_tempfile|grep -A 1 '\"results\":'` echo "Instances : $v_instances" return 0 else v_error_message=`cat $v_tempfile|grep '\"error_message\": \"' | cut -d'"' -f4` echo "Error message [$v_error_message]" return 1 fi } <<COMMENTS f_post_instance create new instance object :param t_data : JSON object data :return : request response COMMENTS f_post_instance(){ t_data="$1" curl --location --request POST "http://my_sqwareweb_url/lib/apiUpdate.php" -H "Authorization: Bearer $v_bearer_token" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "$t_data" > $v_tempfile 2>$v_tempfile.err if [ $(grep -c '"error_message"' $v_tempfile) -eq 0 ] then echo "Insert with success !" return 0 else v_error_message=`cat $v_tempfile|grep '\"error_message\": \"' | cut -d'"' -f4` echo "Error message [$v_error_message]" return 1 fi } <<COMMENTS f_put_instance update instance object :param v_dbalias : dbalias name :param t_data : JSON object data :return : request response COMMENTS f_put_instance(){ v_dbalias="$1" t_data="$2" echo $t_data > test.tmp curl --location --request PUT "http://my_sqwareweb_url/lib/apiUpdate.php?dbalias=$v_dbalias" -H "Authorization: Bearer $v_bearer_token" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "$t_data" > $v_tempfile 2>$v_tempfile.err if [ $(grep -c '"error_message"' $v_tempfile) -eq 0 ] then echo "Update with success !" return 0 else v_error_message=`cat $v_tempfile|grep '\"error_message\": \"' | cut -d'"' -f4` echo "Error message [$v_error_message]" return 1 fi } main(){ # Variables v_username="toto"; v_password="toto"; v_dbalias="toto"; # Get bearer token f_get_bearer_token $v_username $v_password $v_tempfile # Post new instance t_data='{"dbalias":"'$v_dbalias'","rdbmsname":"cassandra","virt_host_name":"AA-TEST-API","host_name":"NPW","username":"system","port":"1430","comments":"desc IPS_A","contact":"OAY .L","status":"ON","client":"CUST2","env":"PRD3","globalhost":"A","custom1":"B","custom2":"C","dbaname":"'$v_username'","comments_upd":"insert new instance by API"}' f_post_instance "$t_data" # Get new instance f_get_instance $v_dbalias # Put new instance t_data='{"rdbmsname":"mysql","virt_host_name":"AA-TEST-API","host_name":"NPW","username":"system","port":"1430","comments":"desc IPS_A","contact":"OAY .L","status":"OFF","client":"CUST2","env":"PRD3","globalhost":"A","custom1":"B","custom2":"C","comments_upd":"update instance status by API"}' f_put_instance $v_dbalias "$t_data" # Get all instances f_get_instances } main