Modèle:SQWareProduction sqwsyb GlobalVar.cfg explanation

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Révision datée du 28 décembre 2021 à 17:24 par BatchUser (discussion | contributions) (Updated by BatchUser)
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Explication de variables:

#General variables
gvsqw_SqwVersion => SQWare Production version
gvsqw_SaUser => User with sa role
gvsqw_PasswdFile => Password file path
gvsqw_SuppAlert => number of days to delete archives of alert files
gvsqw_BackupServer => method to find backup server name
gvsqw_RootAdmin => admin directory
gvsqw_RootCfg => configuration directory
gvsqw_RootDev => devices directory
gvsqw_RunFile => run file name
gvsqw_RunFilePath => run file directory
gvsqw_ConfigFilePath => config directory
gvsqw_ErrorLogPath => errorlog directory
gvsqw_ErrorLog => errorlog file name
gvsqw_NbThread => default number of thread for parallelism
gvsqw_ExcludeDatabases => Databases to exclude of 'AllDatabases' jobs

#for indicators
gvsqw_DbAlias => Database Alias
gvsqw_DistGlobalInterfacesFile => XXXXX
gvsqw_GenExcludeDatabasesObjects => XXXXX
gvsqw_GenExcludeDatabasesObjectsExtra => XXXXX
gvsqw_StringReplaceSch => XXXXX

##Globaly forcing return code for scripts
gvsqw_ForcedReturnCodeScript_sqwsyb_DumpAllDatabases => To force return code of sqwsyb_DumpAllDatabases.ksh

#for kill
gvsqw_DefNbAttempt => default number of attempt to kill sessions

#for Dbcc script
gvsqw_NbThreadDbcc => default number of thread for parallelism for Dbcc
gvsqw_DefAGR_Dbcc => default aggressiveness for execution of Dbcc
gvsqw_DefAGE_Dbcc => default aggressiveness for check end of Dbcc

#for Checkstorage script
gvsqw_NbThreadCheckstorage => default number of thread for parallelism for Checkstorage
gvsqw_DefAGR_Checkstorage => default aggressiveness for execution of Checkstorage
gvsqw_DefAGE_Checkstorage => default aggressiveness for check end of Checkstorage

#for Rebuild script
gvsqw_NbThreadRebuild => default number of thread for parallelism for Rebuild
gvsqw_DefAGR_Rebuild => default aggressiveness for execution of Rebuild
gvsqw_DefAGE_Rebuild => default aggressiveness for check end of Rebuild
gvsqw_CluRatioMinTable => Min cluster ratio of table to make Rebuild table
gvsqw_CluRatioMinIndex => Min cluster ratio of index to make Rebuild index
gvsqw_DefSizeMinTable => Min table size in Meg to take into accompte
gvsqw_DefSizeMaxTableRebuild => Max table size in Meg to take into accompte

#for update statisticss script old fashion (update statisticsistics table)
gvsqw_NbThreadStatistics => default number of thread for parallelism for 
gvsqw_DefAGR_Statistics => default aggressiveness for execution of Statistics
gvsqw_DefAGE_Statistics => default aggressiveness for check end of Statistics
gvsqw_DefSizeMaxTableStatistics => Max table size in Meg to take into accompte

#for new update statisticss script (for >=v15 : update index Statistics table)
gvsqw_NbThreadUpdtStats => default number of thread for parallelism for UpdtStats
gvsqw_DefAGR_UpdtStats => default aggressiveness for execution of UpdtStats
gvsqw_DefAGE_UpdtStats => default aggressiveness for check end of UpdtStats
gvsqw_StatsSizeMoMin100Pct => Min table size in Meg to not sampling
gvsqw_StatsSampleSizeMaxMo => Max data size in Meg to read for dynamic sampling compute
gvsqw_StatsSamplePctMini => Min sample size
gvsqw_DefSizeMaxTableUpdtStats => XXXXX
gvsqw_DefUpdtStatsType => XXXXX
gvsqw_MinPctChange => XXXXX
gvsqw_WithHashing => XXXXX
gvsqw_HashSize => XXXXX

#for Dump script
gvsqw_NbThreadDump => default number of thread for parallelism for Dump
gvsqw_DefAGR_Dump => default aggressiveness for execution of Dump
gvsqw_DefAGE_Dump => default aggressiveness for check end of Dump
gvsqw_RootDump => default Dump directory
gvsqw_RootDumpSource => default Dump directory of source dataserver
gvsqw_DefDumpType => default Dump type
gvsqw_DefMaxSizeStrip => default max size of stripe in Meg
gvsqw_DefCompLevel => default compression level
gvsqw_DefCompRate => default rate of compression
gvsqw_DefDumpNbGeneration => default number generation of backup to keep online
gvsqw_DumpSyntaxType => XXXXX
gvsqw_DumpSyslogins => XXXXX
gvsqw_DumpTruncMasterLog => XXXXX

#for copy Dump scripts
gvsqw_DefAGR_Scp => default aggressiveness for execution of copy
gvsqw_DefAGE_Scp => default aggressiveness for check end of copy
gvsqw_NbThreadCopyDump => XXXXX
gvsqw_DefAGR_CopyDump => XXXXX
gvsqw_DefAGE_CopyDump => XXXXX
gvsqw_NbThreadScp => default number of thread for parallelism for copy Dump files
gvsqw_ExcludeDatabasesCopy => XXXXX

#for Load script
gvsqw_RsyncGap => default gap when resync syslogins/sysusers
gvsqw_ExcludeDatabasesLoad => XXXXX
gvsqw_DefAGR_Load => XXXXX
gvsqw_DefAGE_Load => XXXXX
gvsqw_NbThreadLoad => XXXXX

#for SQWare Web
gvsqw_WebDbaUserConn => Connection string ssh user@hostname to SQWare Web